Crystal & Stone Meanings

- Confidence . AEGIRINE is among the most powerful stones for removing negative or stuck energies. It is grounding and protective, and can purify the energy field. It is a stone of confidence and strength. It can be used beneficially by those seeking to dispel bad habits, it helps to regenerate a damaged auric field and aids in lifting depression, guilt and shame.

- Protection AGATE promotes inner stability, composure, and maturity. It’s warm, protective properties encourage security and self-confidence. It overcomes negativity and bitterness of the heart by healing anger, fostering love, and lending the courage to start over. It is useful for any kind of trauma.

- Anti EMF AMAZONITE is useful for energizing and harmonizing the heart and throat chakras, bringing an enhanced ability to clearly communicate the wisdom of the heart. It is said to remove blockages to emotional bonding with others and to help one shine in the world. Amazonite is also said to protect against EMF.

- Clearing AMBER gives a soothing, light energy that is both calming and energizing at the same time. It is said to help manifest desires and heighten intellectual abilities, clarity of thought, and wisdom. It is reputed to cleanse its environment by drawing out negativity, and to relieve physical pain the same way.

- Protection AMETHYST is a powerful stone for spiritual work & protection. Place in the home, office or on your person for a feeling of protection and “divine light”. It also helps one to stay on the highest path. Amethyst is said to enhance psychic abilities and aid in healing.

- Intuition COCOXENITE AMETHYST clears the crown chakra, and aligns the chakras. It is good for healings of all kinds. It enhances psychic and intuitive potential, as well as aiding in contacting Angelic guides. It increases confidence in work environments. It focuses and energizes your creativity.

- Love GREEN AMETHYST (PRASIOLITE) opens and stabilizes the heart chakra. It promotes an intuitive capability which is coupled with love. Prasiolite is a stone of transformative energies; it also inspires creativity, attracting success, prosperity and abundance.

- Prosperity AMMOLITE is fossilized ammonite that has been compressed under great pressure beneath the ground, which is what gives it its wonderful colors. Ammolite is said to radiate positive Earth energy, and to bring good luck and prosperity. Ammolite is excellent as a tool for deep meditation.

- Comforting ANDALUSITE can help highly spiritual people feel comfortable and “at home” on earth. It is said to facilitate access to past life memories & the Akashic records. It can be used to repair holes in the aura & to strengthen any chakra. Its friendly energy is recommended for those wishing to dispel loneliness, depression, fear or anxiety.

- Acceptance ANGELITE will help you unlock the secrets of the spoken word, giving voice to your truth. It also counteracts harshness, if somebody is acting insensitively in a situation; it will help that person to become more compassionate. It also teaches them acceptance of that which cannot be changed.

- Past Life ANHYDRITE gives support and strength on the physical plane. It promotes acceptance of the physical body as a transient vessel for the soul. Also it teaches one to accept all that life has brought, releasing a earning for the past, and assists in past-life healing.

- Grounding APACHE TEARS relieve grief and sadness as well as assisting in giving and accepting forgiveness. They can help release negative emotions, and they also can balance one’s emotional state. They are good luck stones, bringing luck to anyone who has one. They are excellent meditation tools. Apache Tears are a gentle grounding stone.

- Manifesting APATITE is a stone of manifestation. It develops psychic gifts and spiritual attunement. Apatite induces openness and social ease, encouraging extroversion. It draws off negativity.

- Clearing APOPHYLLITE is a crystal of facilitating and strengthening conscious, intended connection with the spiritual world. It is an energy stimulator that brings high crystal energy to mystical and other endeavors. Apophyllite clears the energy of any room it is placed in.

- Goddess AQUAMARINE is said to be the best stone for the fifth chakra, the energy center at the throat, and that it enhances communication skills. It is a Goddess stone, connecting us to the energy of the Divine Feminine.

- Balancing Aragonite helps heal and balance the emotional body. Its vibration is soothing and energizing, radiating outward in many directions to create a web of light. ARAGONITE helps to heal and balance the emotional body. Aragonite can also open the inner eye to visionary experiences of past. When used for healing this stone may be placed on each of the chakras progressively to facilitate release of blockages and rebalance.

- Astral Travel ASTROPHYLLITE helps astral travel, out of body journeys and dream time. It protects and guides you on these journeys. It increases the senses, which makes it an excellent tool for energy healers as well as massage and acupressure therapists.

- Telepathy AURALITE stimulates higher awareness and telepathic connection with one's guides and guardian spirits. It brings a strong sense of peace, relieves anxiety and panic attacks. It aids meditation, astral travel, and past life regression.

- Kundalini ATLANTISITE can be a powerful aid to spiritual opening, activating the Kundalini channel and allowing one to bring up energies from the base chakra, as well as down through the crown. It facilitates lucid dreaming and conscious travel to other times and places, including legendary Atlantis.

- Divine Love AVENTURINE carries the spring –like energies of growth and renewal to the heart chakra. It is said to promote emotional healing and opening to Divine love, and to help inner beauty to shine, and to attract wealth and success.

- Positive Energy AZEZTULITE carries a high vibration from the Angelic realm. It is said to help raise vibrations and expand consciousness. It is also believe to project an aura of positive energy which will beneficially affect others.

- Meditation AZURITE is associated with clarity in prayer and meditation. It is said to increase psychic abilities and produce inspiration, creativity and intuition. It is also associated with the third eye and so aids in spiritual development and true seeing.

- Grounding BANDED IRON is a combination of Magnetite, Hematite and Jasper. This is an excellent stone to help you stay grounded. Banded iron brings a balanced perspective and trust in your own intuition. It also enhances one's ability to relax and bring tranquility, comforting, wholeness, healing, and gentle endings.

- Purpose BARITE helps link one to ones highest purpose and higher self. It acts as a magnet to high frequency energy, and activates and clears blockages in the upper chakras. Barite assists one in recognizing where one must let go and allow change in order for evolution to occur.

- Wisdom BISMUTH is a stone of transformation, encouraging the energy of the crown chakra to energize the base chakra and actualize the power of wisdom. It also relieves feelings of emotional and spiritual isolation, bringing about connected-ness to all that is.

- Grounding BLOODSTONE is excellent for centering and grounding. It is said to be a stone of courage, bringing mental, physical and emotional renewal by releasing blockages. It is particularly good for helping emotional traumas and grief. It stimulates the urge toward Christ consciousness within the self and helps bring true spirituality into everyday life.

- Protection BOJI / SHAMAN STONES are deeply connected with the earth, and are both grounding and energizing. They are said to be useful in connecting with one’s animal guides, and to provide psychic protection and the purification of negative energies. Use on the third eye is said to enhance psychic abilities.

- Letting Go BRAZILIANITE the energy embodied within these stones helps to meld together the vibration of the heart and solar plexus chakra, to create an energy that aids a heart based use of will. This blended energy will also help you to release feelings of anger or bitterness that you may hold on to.

- Communication BLUE CALCITE is for the throat chakras, assisting clear communication and soothing the emotional body.

- Love COBALTITE CALCITE is attuned to the pink flame of pure compassionate love, connecting heart with mind to heal loneliness and a broken heart. If you are uncertain on where you need to go spiritually it will help find your innate talents and life purpose.

- Intuition GREEN CALCITE is a grounding and centering stone that brings stability. Green calcite is said to enhance intuition and psychic abilities. It increases success, prosperity, business, and fertility of all kinds. Green calcite is associated with the heart chakra.

- Intuition HONEY CALCITE is a stone that gently amplifies energy. It also assists in the challenges associated with change. Honey calcite enhances psychic abilities, astral projection and higher consciousness. It also enhances intellect and memory. Honey calcite is associated with the sacral and solar plexus chakras.

- Emotions ORANGE CALCITE is a stone that is particularly helpful mentally. It can relieve emotional fear, mental breakdown, and depression. It is particularly helpful with phobias. Orange calcite is associated with the sacral chakra.

- Strength RED CALCITE brings stability to one's will, and increases inner strength. It assists with problem solving. It can also attract love.

- Sexuality CARNELIAN is a stone which can powerfully activate the second chakra (Sacral), for enhanced creativity and (in adults) heightened sexuality. It is said to be a good stone for bringing people who are “too spiritual” into an enjoyment and appreciation of the physical world.

- Life Changes CAVANSITE is a stone of transition through major life changes. It helps you to make sense of previous experiences that you may have had difficulty with in the past, and to optimistically and happily deal it. It aids your ability to connect with spirit and is a highly useful stone for those in psychic employment.

- Spirituality CELESTITE is a beautiful blue stone with a lovely gentle uplifting vibration. Celestite is excellent for emotional protection and to end worry, fear, and anxiety. It may assist you to make contact with your own guardian angel and will elevate your awareness to a more spiritual nature.

- Negativity CHALCEDONY is a nurturing stone that promotes good will. It absorbs negative energy. Chalcedony instills feelings of benevolence and generosity. It alleviates hostility and transforms melancholy into joy, absorbs and dissipates negative thoughts, emotions and bad dreams.

- Past Lives CHAROITE is said to aid in releasing old fears and recalling past lives. It may be used to enhance dreams and protect from nightmares. Charoite helps to ground high vibration energies, and help one to bring their gifts to the world. It is excellent for energy workers or anyone of service to others.

- Protection CHIASTOLITE has long been regarded as a stone that is highly protective. It is good to use if you feel fearful, depressed, anxious or stressed. This is stone of balance and harmony, and will counter disagreements between people of differing ideas, and transform their attitudes into one of harmonious agreement.

- Confidence CHRYSANTHEMUM STONE assists one with remaining centered in the present while encouraging one to bloom. It brings an energizing and inspiring endeavor to fruition. It provides us with confidence, inherent strength of character and support in seeing the bigger picture in life.

- Goddess CHRYSOCOLLA enhances the feminine energies and activates a connection to Goddess. It is said to clear the throat chakra and assist in speaking the highest truth, to awaken compassion, to balance the emotions and bring peace to the mind and heart.

- Stress Relief CHRYSOPRASE brings peace to the heart and well-being to emotional, mental and physical states. It is said to aid in releasing stress, healing heartbreak, calming anger and soothing fear.

- Prosperity CITRINE creativity, mental clarity, will power and sensuality. It is said to enhance alertness, to attract wealth and prosperity, and to connect the mind to the higher spiritual realms. Citrine is an excellent manifestation stone as it increases or ability to bring energy into form.

- Arthritis COPPER is a metal of the god Hermes, a facilitator of mental agility and quick-wittedness. It is said to be a good conductor of energies from the higher realms to our world. Copper bracelets are worn to ease arthritis.

- Past Life COPROLITE (Petrified Dinosaur Droppings) enhances memory and facilitates past life regression. It strengthens intelligence and increases intellectual stability, while enhancing mental flexibility and dexterity of thought processes. Coprolite opens the mind to new ideas

- Passion CORAL attracts love and prosperity, particularly red coral, which is a stone of passion. Creativity and optimism are also qualities that coral brings out. Emotionally, coral brings inner peace, strength, and understanding of purpose.

- Intuition COVELLITE This stone helps you to open a doorway to the past, and supports you as you remember the wisdom you obtained in past lives. It may help to trigger psychic gifts such as clairvoyance, and may help to enhance lucid dreaming, astral travel and past life recall.

- Introspection CRYPTOMELANE can help us to remain both open and approachable even though we may have suffered from bad experiences ourselves. It can assist one with self-analysis to reveal previously unrecognized thoughts and experiences. It can also be used to repair unwanted, unloving behavior patterns.

- Will Power CUPRITE will help to strengthen the will, and to take responsibility for one's own life and choices. It helps to ease the mind, releasing worry over situations that are not in your control. It is a stone of altruism and teaches how to become a great humanitarian.

- Angel Guides DANBURITE stimulates spiritual awareness & activates the crown chakra, the energy center at the top of the head. It is said to be a stone which connects with the realm of the angels, and to be useful in communicating with them.

- Meditation DINOSAUR EGGS stimulate travel, both mentally and physically while at the same time, providing a grounding force to the meditator. Dinosaur bones provide an instant doorway to bygone times, and helps people gain an understanding of the role of evolution and the natural cycles of the earth.

- Self Growth DESERT ROSE is considered a “lucky stone”, capable of providing strong influence to attract fortune to its owner and the opportunity to step back and appreciate his or her life. Desert Rose can help guide one’s character towards the ideals of self-growth, self-improvement and evolution of character.

- Love DIOPSIDE can bring creativity to the bearer. It can also help with analysis and logic as an assistant to learning. Diopside is also related to love, commitment, and the inner heart. It is said to be helpful for healing trauma. Diopside can help get in touch with the feminine side, which can help heal aggression and stubbornness.

- Strength DIOPTASE is primarily used as a talisman to aid efforts to grow physically stronger and to aid in efforts to secure a sound financial future. It is also used in healing efforts involving the Heart Chakra.

- Manifesting DOLOMITE is a gentle stone that encourages charitable actions, generosity and giving of all kinds, as well as receiving. It also encourages energetic thinking, original thinking, spontaneity, creativity, and manifestation. It is a particularly good stone for relieving sorrow, and soothing hurt, loneliness and anxiety.

- Intuition DUMORTIERITE opens the third eye, enhancing psychic ability, mental discipline, learning capacity, inner guidance and awareness of Divine inspiration. It is an excellent stone for connecting with sources of inner wisdom, during meditation or throughout one’s day.

- Negativity EMERALD heals and activates the heart chakra, enhancing love energy. It is said to eliminate negativity, to enhance meditation, to bring prosperity and harmony to life, and to inspire positive actions.

- Prosperity EPIDOTE brings prosperity in people’s lives. Energetically, it creates more prosperity the more generous you are with others. It helps with strengthening relationships. And, it aids people working through anger, greed and jealousy.

- Concentration FLOURITE is a useful stone for clarifying mental processes and bringing energies “down to earth”. It is believed to facilitate enhanced concentration and more rapid learning, as well as to help make better judgments.

- Compassion FUSCHITE can help bounce back after emotional or physical problems. Fuschite also can bring friendliness, compassion, and lightheartedness. It is said to speed deep healing by assisting with recovery and immunity. Fuchsite allows one to use the gifts of the mind, guided by the heart.

- Anti EMF GALENA acts as a powerful mirror, reflecting Light into the deepest dark regions of one’s shadow self and then helps you to embrace those aspects. Traditionally it is used to aid in shamanic journeys as a stone of protection and power. It also helps counter radiation, EMF pollution and other forms of harmful environmental energy.

- Grounding GARNET is strengthening to the 1st chakra at the base of the spine and that it helps one stay grounded. It is said to bring greater vitality and to help bring dreams into the material world.

- Self Respect HESSONITE GARNET Associated with the Sacral Chakra, Hessonite promotes self-respect and clarity of emotions, and soothes emotional agitation. This stone opens the intuition and psychic center, and is used for out-of-body journeys, carrying you to your destination.

- Decision Making GIBBSITE allows one to release inhibitions, bringing power in decisions and spontaneity to actions. Gibbsite can also stimulate the receiving and allowing of information from other realms, as well as promote freedom of movement and removal of constraint.

- Calmness GOLDSTONE is said to help one stay calm and stabilize the emotions. It can be used as an energy generator and can deflect unwanted energies. Goldstone also has many of the metaphysical properties of copper, including strengthening the circulatory system, strengthening bones, and easing arthritis pain.

- Wisdom BLUE GOLDSTONE connects one with the Divine and provides wisdom, energy and courage. Blue Goldstone vibrates at the frequencies of new beginnings and balance. Associated with the Throat Chakra, it encourages acceptance of who we are, to express authenticity and no longer deny our truth.

- Healing HEALER’S GOLD allows one to connect with the energy of the Earth and channel that energy through the body. It can bring more life force into the body and balance the energetic field. It allows those who do healing work on others to do so without depleting their own energies. It is said to enhance confidence, creativity, stamina, patience and persistence.

- Grounding HEMATITE can assist in purification of the energies of our physical and energetic circulatory systems. It is the most widely used stone for grounding, and it is said to energize both the root chakra at the base of the spine & the “Earth Star” below the feet.

- Calmness HEMIMORPHITE is powerful for opening and clearing the third eye and crown chakra, integrating the high frequencies of Light energy. Working to the calm the emotional body, it assists in releasing resentment and anger which will help heal karmic ties between people.

- Lucid Dreaming HERKIMER/DESERT DIAMONDS are quartz crystals, well known for their visionary qualities. They stimulate the 3rd eye & promote lucid dreaming. They can aid in the vibrational ascension process, and help one connect with angels’ spirit guides and the Higher Self. These stones also enhance the vibration of any other stone.

- Negativity HIMALAYAN SALT absorbs psychic energy and binds it into its own structure. It enhances good will, elevate moods and diminish negativity. It can assist in dispelling feelings of abandonment and incite initiative and independence.

- Stress HOWLITE is a super-calming stone and many people use it to relieve stress of all kinds. It makes an excellent antidote to insomnia due to an overactive mind.

- Intuition HYPERSTHENE is a stone of psychic vision, aiding in manifestation of dreams and intentions. It also can be used to promote the healing process through creative visualization. It can be helpful in working with morphic fields of consciousness to ‘download’ whatever information needed from spiritual sources. It aids in finding spiritual solutions to mundane problems.

- Healing INFINITE STONE also known as The Healer’s Stone, is particularly useful for healers, chronic pain sufferers, and others who have an ongoing need for healing energies. Infinite is a soothing and calming stone. It is used in crystal healing to draw pain out from affected areas.

- Meditation IOLITE is an excellent stone for meditation and astral travel. It helps one grow spiritually in a gentle fashion. It is considered a very strong "Shaman" stone, and can stimulate clear psychic visions. Iolite is also said to help build relationships. Iolite is primarily associated with the third eye chakra.

- Prosperity JADE can assist in various types of self-healing, both emotional and physical. It is associated with the heart, and is also believed to help one to find prosperity and abundance.

- Relationships Lemurian Jade brings a sense of feeling and understanding to the joining of hearts, to the joining of the mind, body and spirit. It is a stone to help bring stability between partners, as well as encouraging a healthy relationship without confusion or friction. Lemurian Jade is also very good for keeping grounding between partners, helping both to recognize boundaries and capabilities.

- Protection KAMBABA JASPER a type of jasper only found in Africa. This is a stone of grounding and protection. Brings stability to your emotions and promotes rational thinking. This is an excellent stone to soothe the nerves and state of mind.

- Animal Totems LEOPARD SKIN JASPER is a stone of shamanic journeying. It helps discover and connect with animal totems or "power" animals. It makes it easier for one to take responsibility properly. Leopard skin jasper is said to bring energies of success in work or business. It is particularly protective during shamanic journeying.

- Meditation MOOKAITE JASPER is a stone of the "here and now." It can help balance the internal and external and acceptance of change. It helps with living meditation, where one makes a meditation of any act one does. Mookaite is as an emotional protector. It helps clear negative patterns carried on through ancestral heritage.

- Visualization PICTURE JASPER helps create harmony, creative visualization, and positive things in business pursuits. It brings and shows hidden messages from the past as well as hidden thoughts, fears, and hopes. These qualities make it useful as an emotional/psychological healing stone.

- Grounding RED JASPER carries a strong spiritual, grounding vibration, and resonates within the lower three chakras. It is a stone of fertility. Red Jasper inspires a positive, joyful attitude and provides the energy to take creative action.

- Negativity JET can be used to dispel fears and negative thoughts, and to protect against illness and violence. It is said to create a sense of calm & diminish depression. Jet is also said to awaken the kundalini energies in the spine. It was used in ancient times for mourning and grief.

- Akashic Records K2 STONE (Afghanite) enhances spiritual journeying and helps us to bring back guidance from the highest source. K2 Stone also grants us access to the Akashic Records and is a valuable stone for those engaged in soul retrieval.

- Addiction GREEN KUNZITE/HIDDENITE Green Kunzite’s strongest quality is teaching us to receive the love of the Divine and return that Love in kind. It helps in healing deep psychic wounds of the heart and is an excellent crystal for recovery from addictions and abuse.

- Cleansing BLACK KYANITE can clear blocked energies and the meridian system. It is grounding and energizing, clearing imbalances and creating an unhindered flow of energy. It can take one back to past lives and forward to probable futures. Black Kyanite does not retain negative energy and never needs energetic cleansing.

- Intuition BLUE KYANITE can align and open all chakras simultaneously and doesn’t need cleansing. It can strongly activate the 3rd eye chakra, for enhanced inner visioning, greater psychic ability and lucid dreaming, astral travel, telepathy & clairvoyance. It is said to increase intuition and insight, and to assist creativity.

- Creativity ORANGE KYANITE has an uplifting and optimistic energy. It is particularly good for clearing, activating and balancing the Sacral Chakra. It can help us perceive the root of our pleasures and desires and bring Light and creativity so we can bring them into our lives in a positive manner. This stone also helps enhance all types of creativity.

- Intuition LABRADORITE heightens intuition and enhances psychic abilities, making it great for working with the Third Eye Chakra. It is also very protective against negative energies, balancing, strengthening and protecting the aura and sealing the aura from energy leaks.

- Wisdom LAPIS can assist in the opening of the third eye and attainment of wisdom. It is associated with the “royal” virtues of courage, insight, strength, clarity and compassion, and with their attainment.

- Stress Relief LARIMAR is a stone of goddess energies, especially those of sea and sky. It is said to help relieve stress, calm anger, soothe burns & attune to a gentle joy. It is said to activate the throat chakra for expression of inner wisdom. Larimar is excellent during pregnancy and for new mothers.

- Protection LARVIKITE is a protective and grounding stone. It allows us to see the past, providing clarity to visions of past life recall. It also repels negative energy. Larvikite helps us to see ourselves through the eyes of our higher self.

- Transitions LEPIDOLITE is known as a “stone of transition” assists in the release and reorganization of old behavioral and psychological patterns, gently inducing change. It brings deep emotional healing, soothing and reducing stress and depression.

- Emotions COCONUT LEPIDOLITE can greatly ease the intensity of our emotional feelings, helping us cope with stress, mood swings, depression, worry, and anxiety. Coconut lepidolite allows us to see for ourselves who we really are and the potential that lies within us.

- Psychic Attacks Libyan Desert Tektite, also known as Libyan Desert Glass, is an unusual stone that carries within them the vibration of the Golden ray, a powerful spiritual energy. It is highly protective and beneficial for strengthening your will. It guards against any negative psychic energy being deposited in the solar plexus or other areas of the body.

- Balance LODESTONE can be a powerful aid to those seeking balance and alignment of the various levels of the “higher bodies”—astral, subtle and casual—for overall well-being. It is said to help discern what one truly desires and what should be released, and to assist in attracting beneficial relationships.

- Grounding MAGNETITE has a grounding energy and is excellent for manifestation, making one magnetic to that which one desires to create. Because of its grounding properties it is an excellent stone for healers and psychics. It helps to counter the spaciness and disorientation that can occur when doing healings and readings.

- Transition MALACHITE is a stone of transformation and helps with spiritual evolution. It can clear, balance, and activate all chakras, especially the heart chakra. Malachite is a stone that bridges the energy of the heart and root chakras. As such, it helps balance pure love, romance, and well-being. Malachite is a stone of good fortune and prosperity/abundance, too.

- Goddess MENALITE (aka Fairy Goddess Stone) is an excellent stone to connect with feminine energy and wisdom, and it is powerful for women to use as it connects you to the wise woman that is within. This is a strongly shamanic stone. It aids your connection to specific spirit guides.

- Introspection MICA has reflective qualities to recognize flaws and see them with love. It is said to help eliminate negative personality traits by helping one recognize them. It is used to diminish anger, hostility, and nervous energy. Mica aligns energy of the body and releases blockages of energy within the body.

- Evolution MOLDAVITE can accelerate the path of evolution and spiritual growth. Connected with the legendary Stone of the Holy Grail, “the emerald that fell from heaven”, it can cleanse & activate all the chakras & initiate spiritual experiences.

- Intuition MOONSTONE helps calm responses and avoids overreaction; enhances feminine energies, sensitivity, intuition, and psychic abilities. It is also said to bring strong energies of abundance to one's life. Moonstone is a stone of protection, especially during childbirth, pregnancy, and travel at sea. It connects us to water and the flow of our bodies & lives, and is associated with love of all kinds.

- Intuition BLACK MOONSTONE A stone of perceiving beyond the veil. A powerful stone for the clairvoyant and the shaman; it assists one in moving into the unseen realms. It carries the properties of the new moon where in all things exist as potential. It is a powerful magnifier of intention and can assist one in bringing forth creations from the void.

- Nurturing GREEN MOONSTONE has similar qualities to other Moonstones, in that it carries the energy of love. However green moonstone has the addition of a strong nurturing vibration. Its energy will aid you to feel more compassion towards others, as well as elevate your self-worth and personal sense of well-being. It would be excellent to use this stone in combination with other green heart chakra stones.

- Meditation RAINBOW MOONSTONE can raise our vibrational frequency to create a smoother transition into meditation. Used with the Sacral Chakra, Third Eye and Crown Chakras, it calms the physical mind from the chatter that can affect our meditative state. It also helps balance the emotional body and relieve stress.

- Love MORGANITE can activate and balance the energies of the heart, facilitating awareness of Divine love and enhancing the ability to love one’s self and others. It is also said to attract love into one’s life. It is recommended for healing the emotions and releasing past trauma.

- Energy Blockage MYSTIC MERLINITE (GABBRO) promotes "dominion" and unanticipated developments that can assist the user in realizing the importance of individuals and events disregarded or neglected. It relieves discordance and violence in temper and expression. And provides connection to the Higher Self and awakens the energy of the third-eye; it is said to assist one in locating energy blockages within the body.

- Luck Nephrite strengthens and brings longevity to its wearer. Wearing it protects against failure and misfortune, prevents sickness and strengthens vital forces of the body. Nephrite promotes changes for the best in daily life and helps to overcome deadlocks. It is believed that Nephrite brings success in gambling, preserves against an evil eye, protects from lightning and induces people to keep fidelity to the stone’s wearer.

- Protection NUUMITE is a very protective stone. It can protect one from negative energy of many kinds, and is often sought for this shielding property. It is also helpful for removing energy blockages, and to clear the aura. Nuumite is also good for synthesizing psychic and intuitive wisdom with intellectual thought. It opens and clears the heart chakra, and will also activate and integrate all the chakras.

- Obsidian OBSIDIAN is a very protective stone, and is excellent for removing negativity. It is also excellent protection against psychic attacks. In particular obsidian protects the gentle from abuse. It is a very grounding and healing stone. Obsidian is also an excellent manifestation stone.

- Protection MAHOGANY OBSIDIAN removes and releases negative feelings of unworthiness. It also grounds and protects, giving strength in times of need. Mahogany obsidian also assists in vitalizing ones purpose, eliminating energy blockages and stimulating growth on all levels.

- Happiness RAINBOW OBSIDIAN is called a "stone of pleasure" because one of its attributes, metaphysically, is bringing pleasure, enjoyment and joy to one's life. Rainbow Obsidian is used psychically to enhance clairvoyance. It is also a very protective stone, and is especially effective in protection rituals and amulets, where it works by grounding out negativity to let light in.

- Protection SNOWFLAKE OBSIDIAN has the property of bringing things to the surface. The things brought to the surface could be positive or negative, love, anger, secrets; but with snowflake obsidian, these things are brought to the surface more gently that they might be otherwise. Snowflake obsidian can provide balance during times of change. It aids in seeing patterns in life and recreating them in a more beneficial way. It is a stone of serenity and purity, and can shield against negativity.

- Family Relationships OKENITE is an Earth Mother stone that forms the bridge between earthly and cosmic energies. It is great for helping with self-forgiveness and restoring parts of the self that others have taken. This is also an excellent stone if you suffer from interference from relatives and family who insist on telling you how to live and or bring up your family.

- Grounding ONYX is associated primarily with the root chakra. It assists with challenges in life, especially those caused by a drain of energy. It prevents the draining away of personal energy and can be used for protection from such. It also helps with grounding and controlling or eliminating excess or unwanted energies.

Communication BOULDER OPAL is said to provide a connection to the stars. It helps facilitate communication between the Earth plane and the “star people” of other worlds while staying grounded. It can also clear the muddy areas from ones aura and stimulate healing in those spots. Also it helps to provide clarity, emotional security, physical well-being and spiritual progression.

-Visualization- GIRASOL OPAL is a stone of gentle but powerful energy and can enhance and mirror feelings. This makes it excellent for visualization, imagination, lucid dreaming, and channeling. Girasol enhances communication skills allowing you to freely speak your thoughts that you've been holding back. Girasol encourages and enhances creativity promoting joy and happiness.

-Emotions- GREEN OPAL is beneficial for cleansing and rejuvenating that promotes emotional recovery and aides relationships. It has the ability to filter information and reorient the mind, thus giving it a better meaning to everyday life, and bring about a clearer spiritual prospective.

-Relaxation- PERUVIAN BLUE OPAL has soft relaxing energies and it is said to have the ability to remove the tension from any communication to help ideas to flow freely. It can also soften the impact of stress from the outside world, helping one to release the trauma of old wounds and in facilitating facing the future with a tranquil self-healing nature. It is also good for quieting the mind and helpful in aiding sleep.

-Calming- PEARL attunes the wearer to ebb and flow of life. They are calming and centering. They give purity and promote faith, charity, and integrity, truth and loyalty. They help one connect with the Goddess, the ultimate feminine energy.

-Compassion- PERIDOT can be used to balance and stimulate the heart chakra. It is a stone of compassion and is excellent for healing. Peridot also brings abundance and prosperity. It enhances the healing and harmony of relationships of all kinds, but particularly marriage. Peridot can lessen stress in relationships, anger and jealousy. It has been said to make a shield of protection around the body of any wearer of peridot.

-Angels- PETALITE is known as a “stone of the angels”. It carries a very high spiritual vibration. Petalite is extremely protective with the etheric and spirit realms. It is considered to be a bringer of goodness. Carried on the body, petalite activates all energy centers and provides a continuous source of energy.

-Grounding- PETRIFIED WOOD is good for grounding and stabilizing one's emotions. It is a stone of business success and general protection. Petrified wood is also used for past life regressions because of its inherent link with the past. It is a stone of continuous on-going growth... a steady progression towards your end result of spiritual transformation.

-Purifying- PIETERSITE carries the energy of the “storm” element, and can purify one’s body and energies. It is said to be tremendously energizing to the wearer, enhancing strength, courage, will power and awareness of the higher planes.

-Protection- PREHNITE is a very protective stone and can protect on all levels. It strengthens the life force and generally increases and stimulates energy, while at the same time bringing powerful calming energies. It aids spirit communication through meditation or visualization, out-of-body travel, and is a powerful dream stone.

Preseli Bluestone is made of the same material as the monolith Stonehenge, its energy like an ancient voice calling from the distant past; it touches something deep inside us all. It connects to the brow and throat chakras and speaks of communication in every media; ancient and modern. It also promotes change, new beginnings and fulfillment of your dreams, goals, and ideals. These stones can also help aid in divination, astral travel and seeing into the past and the future.

-Confidence- PURPURITE assists one in speaking with confidence and freedom while protecting from interfering energies that would disrupt the speakers’ ideals and concepts. Purpurite helps stimulate the crown chakra as well which increases ones spiritual aspirations. It also provides freedom from the material world and facilitates purity within ones being.

-Intelligence- PYRITE is a stone of intellect and protection. It enhances intelligence, mental stability, logic, analysis, creativity, memory, and psychic development. Pyrite is a powerful protection stone, and is very grounding. Pyrite additionally is a stone that brings energies of good luck or good fortune.

-Healing- PEACOCK PYRITE (CHALCOPYRITE) is a versatile stone for crystal healing and energy work. It enhances inner knowing, strengthens perception and helps you trust what you see psychically. It is also a protective stone, good for many kinds of protection, including protection from illness.

-Cleansing- PYROLUSITE is very useful in clearing the environment of negative energy wherever it is placed by clearing the air of any negative energy and dispelling all psychic attacks derived from any source.

-Protection- Clear quartz has a positive effect on almost all chakras as it protects the aura and expands the human energy field. It is powerful for practically any metaphysical activity, as it increases both body energy and thoughts. It is a powerfully protective stone, bringing purified energy in. It has a positive effect on almost all chakras as it protects the aura and expands the human energy field.

-Channeling- ANGEL AURA QUARTZ It is said to assist in communing with Angels, accessing the Akashic records, channeling higher knowledge, remembering past lives and gaining insight into one's spiritual mission in this lifetime.

-Meditation- CACTUS QUARTZ - Known also by the name spirit quartz, this crystal is useful in meditation. It can be used to provide insights into family and/or community problems. This crystal is a wonderful companion when one is experiencing the loss of a loved one, bringing understanding of the process and assisting in transition for both.

-Healing- DIAMANTINA QUARTZ comes from the Diamantina mine in Brazil and is particularly known for their healing properties. The cracked faces within are all natural breaks that have healed and are considered to be frequency points. It carries within it psychic serenity and is said to help with celestial interaction. Some Diamantinas are known as “singers” and when struck together or with another crystal they create a silvery healing sound and can be combined with Tibetan bowls.

-Dreams- DOUBLE TERMINATED QUARTZ –Energy moves outward in either direction or in both directions concurrently. They have the capacity to draw or transmit energy through both ends. Excellent for astral projection and dreaming - place under pillow or use for meditation.

-Balancing- ELESTIAL QUARTZ – These crystals can be used to assist one in overcoming emotional burdens, to bring the heart and the intellect into synchronicity, and help one to look within and to find love that has always been there. It is calming, soothing, and they bring spiritual growth and change. They are also used to uncover hidden secrets.

-Healing- Faden quartz is one of the premier healing stones of the Quartz family and helps to stimulate and re-energize the aura. They were injured or broken and re-healed during their growth process, creating the fuzzy white line running through the crystal. Excellent for use in physical healing that stems from breaks in the bones, tears in the muscle, and disconnection in the nervous system.

-Vitality- Quartz with red hematite inclusions moves energy around quite efficiently, dispelling blockages at the root chakra; boosting overall vitality and sense of well-being. These crystals work on all levels; but the main concentration is on the emotional, and physical levels. The hematite helps keep you grounded in the here and now. It cleanses blood and is good for keeping you focused on difficult tasks.

-Meditation- Lemurian seeds are crystals that have been left by the Lemurians, an advanced ancient civilization, to teach and guide us in this time. These crystals are programmed with conscious connection and love. Lemurians hold and transmit messages of unconditional love, equality, and spiritual teachings. They are also great for dream work and dream interpretation. They are very powerful tools for meditation and for healing on all levels.

-Balance- Lithium quartz is a super high energy healing and balancing stone. It is self-clearing and self-cleansing. Lithium quartz is balancing and calming, and is used in crystal healing as a natural anti-depressant. It relieves stress, anxiety, and tension, bringing relaxation and peace. It is used to heal repressed grief and anger, as well as emotional issues from past lives. It is also said to purify water.

-Meditation- Nirvana quartz brings the meditator into a deep peace and interior silence, Assisting to stop the mental chatter. This stone can assist in achieving one’s destiny. It dissolves barriers, clearing the path between the physical plane and the Angelic Realm.

-Awareness- Phantom quartz is a wonderful awareness tool. It gives a sense of magic that most of us have lost along the course of our lives. Phantom crystals helps us increase awareness of evolution, in ourselves and in the world around us, showing how growth, rest, and rebirth cycle through all existence. Psychically, phantoms are considered excellent for past life work and meditation.

-Love- Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is the most important crystal for the heart and the heart chakra. If you want to attract love, look no further than romantic Rose Quartz. In existing relationships, it will restore trust and harmony, and encourage unconditional love.

-Cleansing- Rutilated quartz is said to have a perfect balance of cosmic light and to be an illuminator for the soul, promoting spiritual growth. It cleanses and energizes the aura. It draws off negative energy and breaks down the barriers to spiritual progress, letting go of the past. It gives protection against psychic attack. This stone promotes forgiveness at all levels.

-Grounding- Smokey quartz is grounding and stabilizing. It brings calm and centering, lifts depression, enhances practicality, and generally removes negative energies, bringing happiness. Smoky quartz is also a good luck stone. It can also assist in tapping subconscious wisdom. Smoky quartz is a protective stone, particularly for physical protection, protection from negativity, and psychic protection.

-Anxiety- Smokey Rutilated Quartz grounds erratic energy and anxiety. Pulls in positive energy and repels negative.

-Strength- Tangerine quartz enhances the strength to continue all endeavors. It helps balance or level the emotions, making one feel more calmly detached instead of panicky or upset. It enhances encounters with others and facilitates giving and receiving, and brings a sense of expansiveness to relationships. Tangerine quartz can increase and enhance evaluation and evolution of the inner self.

-Protection- Tibetan quartz are among the most powerful for spiritual protection and purification! They can be worn or carried to create a bubble of light around the body. They can eliminate disturbing dreams. They can purify and cleanse negative influences in the home. They carry the ancient energy and spiritual records of Tibet within their matrix.

-Relationships- Twin flame facilitates the building of relationships on all levels, acting to encourage encounters with the soul-mate[s] present in this lifetime. It promotes the recognition that love brings freedom. It helps bring the relative synthesis of love and freedom to the level of understanding, which is inherent within the spiritual plane. Helps you attract people whose spiritual evolution is compatible with yours.

-Emotional Pain- Rhodochrosite assists in recovering, reliving and releasing the memories of one’s emotional wounds. It also works vibrationally to move back in time to past lives and recover talents and gifts to bring forth into the present. Being a stone of joy, taking it outdoors will help instill a sense of grace and allow the beauty of nature to reconnect with one’s senses.

-Chakras- RAINBOW CALSILICA represents the seven chakras and aligns, balances and heals the chakras. A stone of pleasure and enjoyment, bringing light and love into everyone’s life.

-Love- RHODOCHROSITE is a stone of love and balance, which can assist one in attaining an ecstatic state during meditation. Wearing the stone is said to bring the vibration of joy into one’s daily life.

-Courage- RUBY is a stone which can enhance our courage and passion. It is said to initiate the Kundalini & to increase one’s supply of life force energies. Ruby is recommended for clearing blockages, for arousing sexual energies and for transmuting them for spiritual purposes.

-Psychic Ability- RUBY ZOISITE aids altering your consciousness and accessing your soul memories. It enhances psychic abilities, communicating with spirit guides. It promotes happiness and a sense of bliss.

-Intuition- SAPPHIRE is a stone of intuition and meditation. Using a sapphire during meditation can enhance ones innate intuition and bring to light all manner of creative expression that can be locked within the self. Sapphire is used to bring joy, peace, and beauty through meditation into this plane. It can bring fulfillment of dreams and prosperity.

-Protection- SARDONYX is a stone of strength and protection. It strengthens willpower and charisma and invokes the search for a meaningful existence. Sardonyx promotes integrity and virtuous conduct. It can be placed around the house and garden to prevent crime.

-Chakras- SCOLECITE gently clears the debris from the higher chakras and allows the light to shine in. This stone will help to enhance meditation, restful sleep and dream activity especially. If used for dream work it will allow you to open up for subtle messages from the deeper self and aid in dream recall.

-Psychic Ability- SELENITE is a stone for enhancing psychic abilities. It is believed to be a powerful stimulator of the third eye and crown chakras. Selenite is also said to strengthen talents such as mediumship and channeling, and to assist in communication with guides. It also has the ability to clear and enhance the energy of other stones placed on or near it.

-Calmness- SEPTARIAN brings calming energies that have a nurturing feel to them, and can bring feelings of joy and spiritual uplifting. Septarian is used to enhance and nurture communication, making it much easier to speak clearly in group settings. It brings unconscious foreknowledge to help be prepared for what is coming up.

-Angels- SERAPHINITE is said to activate and harmonize the powerful energies of the spinal cord area, to assist in communicating with angels and to help one to live from the heart.

-Psychic Ability- SERPENTINE is said to help with emotional cleansing, psychic powers, and attracting love and money. It is also used in the rise of the kundalini, facilitating the rise by opening a path that lessens discomfort. In addition, serpentine is considered a metaphysically protective stone.

-Psychic Ability- SHATTUCKITE is a strong psychic communication stone. It facilitates a stronger connection with your personal guides and teachers, and loved ones who have passed over. It enhances psychic visions, intuition, mediumship, channeling, psychic knowing and automatic writing.

-Balance- SHIVA LINGAM emanate the powerful energies of the Hindu god Shiva. They are said to be to awakeners of the Kundalini energies of spiritual self-transformation. The stones are considered to be talismans of enlightenment which facilitate visionary experience. They are also said to balance male and female polarities within the self.

-Cleansing- SHUNGITE works to cleanse and align all the particles of the body of dysfunctional patterns, to provide an aura of psychic protection, and to help ungrounded people better connect with the Earth. Also, it is excellent for letting go of deep-seated feelings of fear, guilt or shame, freeing to soul to join the Body of Light.

-Healing- SKUTTERUDITE is a versatile healing stone. It is said to give hope and optimism in our darkest hours. Skutterudite radiates the dynamic creativity of the divine feminine into your life supported and protected by the divine masculine energies within you.

-Logic- SODALITE eliminates mental confusion and intellectual bondage. It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth and intuitive perception, together with verbalization of feelings. It assists you in speaking your highest truth.

-Rejuvination- SPINEL has the energy of beauty. It is also known as a stone of immortality, bringing freshness to all endeavors and initiating rejuvenation to that which is beginning to degrade. Spinel can be used to renew energy and to provide encouragement for further attempts at difficult tasks.

-Grounding- STAUROLITE also known as a “Fairy Cross” is a grounding stone that assists in connecting with other worlds, including the fairy realm. It is an aid in discarding destructive habits, stabilizing the emotions, and brings a feeling of protection, safety and security.

-Renewal- STIBNITE emanates the energy of transformation, death, rebirth, and new perspectives. Stibnite can help bring the manifestation of the desire. It can assist one in making changes in life. Stibnite is useful for moving energy through the body. It aids in integrating energy and in shifting genetic patterns to reflect one’s spiritual evolution.

-Calming- STITCHTITE is a stone that brings emotional awareness and expansion. It is a very calming stone that brings tranquility and peace to individuals and to one's environment. It helps one to be gentle with self and others, and promotes keeping promises, openly sharing opinions, and considering all thoughts with love.

-Regression- STROMATOLITE can be used as a healing tool for past life regression, relieving physical and emotional stress and it is said that it massages the chakras. Stromatolites are a fossil that show our deep time on earth, the emergence of life, and the eventual evolving of the beautiful life forms. They have the very patient, steady energy bringing temperance and steadfastness to any process or person.

-Grief/Fear- SUGILITE teaches you how to live from your truth and reminds the soul of its reasons for incarnating. Emotionally, sugilite imparts the ability to face up to unpleasant matters. It alleviates sorrow, grief, and fear and promotes self-forgiveness.

-Vitality- SULPHUR is a stone of energy and vitality, which can help remove negative thoughts and feelings. The vitality properties of sulphur bring protection and purification. It is used to purify and detoxify environments, thoughts, and even the energy fields of people.

-Depression- SUNSTONE is a joyful light-inspiring stone. This is an alchemical stone that brings about a profound connection to the light and regenerative powers of the sun. It is extremely useful in cutting unwanted ties. Sunstone also lifts depression and promotes enthusiasm.

-Grounding- SUPER 7 contains the properties of at least seven different minerals, making them tremendously potent. Although not always visible, a piece of Super 7 retains all the properties of Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Cacoxenite, Rutile, Geothite and Lepidocrosite combined. It simultaneously connects us to higher realms, while grounding us firmly in physical reality.

-Spirituality- TANZANITE is the most effective stone for integrating the energies of the mind and heart, helping you to remain centered in the hearts wisdom while evaluating the ideas of the mind. Its frequency also helps aid in sharing spiritual information and knowledge from a heart-centered perspective.

-Channeling- TEKTITE helps us to be strong in our own presence and power. It’s a great tool for releasing blocks. Tektites are also used to strengthen our energy field. It’s excellent for use in channeling. In healing, allows you to see physical blocks within your body and release your old memories and thoughts.

-Protection- TIGER’S EYE (Tiger Eye) is a stone of protection that is also very grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, practicality and correct use of power. It enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. It can also help one see clearly without illusion.

-Intuition- TIFFANY STONE is a combination of 13 different opals and minerals formed over 2 million years. It enhances intuition and metaphysical gifts by opening the higher chakras and connecting to the highest guidance. It is also useful for integrating the lightbody into the physical realm while supporting the soul.

-Leadership- BLUE TOPAZ brings leadership ability to anyone who wears or carries it. It also enhances and improves psychic knowledge, spiritual growth, and psychic insight. It also lends an air of tranquility in those endeavors.

-Protection- BLACK TOURMALINE is used for the purification of one’s energies and protection from environmental negativity. It is said to cleanse the aura of disharmonious energies, help one to attain states of higher awareness, and keep bad influences away.

-Psychic Ability- BLUE TOURMALINE also known as Indicolite, can help develop psychic gifts and enhances the ability to open the veil that separates us from the deceased and spirit guides, making it useful to those who wish to become channels and mediums.

-Chakras- BROWN TOURMALINE also known as Dravite, opens the chakras for alignment and, at the same time, provides strength and balance. It pulls negativity from the aura and helps with damaged willpower. It is helpful for those who are very timid and unable to tap into their own will.

-Love- PINK TOURMALINE Furthers the actualization of love and spirituality, while enhancing the higher aspects of the state of love. It also promotes joy, peace and understanding during periods of growth and changes.

-Sorry/Trauma- WATERMELON TOURMALINE strengthens the heart and soothes the emotions. It is believed to be a stone which can help one to overcome sorrow or traumatic memories, and it is also said to emanate the energies of love, joy and inner harmony.

-Love- TUGTUPITE is a rare pink crystal that holds the pureness of deep love within it. It reawakens lost love and unremembered passion. It has a loving energy the opens the heart chakra and transforms anyone who chooses to embrace its intensity.

-Healing- TURQUOISE is associated with the sky, and bringing sky energy to earth. It can help promote honest and clear communication from the heart. Turquoise can also help speed the healing process, and is known as a master healer stone.

-Focus- ULEXITE is an extremely clear stone that helps to bring things into focus on the inner and spiritual levels, lending much-needed objectivity and clarity. It also helps one to understand the meaning of dreams and visions, guiding you on the path that you should take on a spiritual level.

-Third Eye- UNAKITE is a stone of visions. It’s particularly good for helping one stimulate and open their third eye for deeper visions and psychic work. It helps to provide a gentle release of blockages that have been inhibiting your growth. Unakite is also known to absorb EMF.

-Root Chakra- VANDANITE keeps one focused on the task at hand, offering a boost of power when tasks become difficult. Vandanite facilitates production, creativity, stamina and grounding. Its depth of power at the root chakra helps to create a strong resolve.

-Love- VARISCITE stimulates the heart chakra, opening the heart with unconditional love. This crystal is deeply calming and brings stillness to the talkative/busy mind. Helps one to let go of criticisms and judgment of others, allowing one to understand and accept.

-Anger/Fear- VESUVIANITE disperses feelings of anger and irritability, lifts fear, depression, and unwarranted guilt. It is a heart chakra stone that cleanses and energizes the aura. It also keeps contact with your spiritual nature even when earthly matters demand attention.

-Courage- VIKING FIRE STONES provide strength, courage and protection at all times, helping us attune and access our warrior spirit within. Their energy also helps you feel as though we never walk alone. These stones can be used in healing or you can simply place it in your home for protection.

-Compassion- VIVIANITE is a stone for entering and remaining in a state of compassion. Vivianite can re-inspire those in the helping professions who suffer from exhaustion and “burnout”. Through its kindling of the heart, Vivianite can remind one of the love that dwells behind all things. Vivianite is a rare stone that offers peace, love and compassion.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information is provided as guidance only. Crystals and stones are not intended to act as a substitute for diagnosis or medical treatment.